Tuesday, October 28

Darkness descends..

..and other such observations to enthuse you as we get dragged kicking and screaming (literally, if the Hallowe'en costumes are any good) into November.

As we leave work in the dark, the temptation to start the TV/DVD-viewing-wrapped-up-on-sofa-with-hot-drinks-and-optional-blanket the minute you get in at night is only going to get worse. For me, it was pretty bad anyway but then I'm a bit geeky. It really doesn't help if you're in any kind of on-line DVD rental scheme because that little envelope will be jumping up and slobbering on you, yapping for attention, the second you push open the door (now that's what I call 'special features'). "Watch me, watch me!" comes the muffled-by-packaging cry, "because if you get me back in the post tomorrow you can have *another one* the next day! F*ck Christmas, this rocks!".

It really, really doesn't help if your rental list is full of sci-fi series because each disc will have a cosy 3 or 4 hours of viewing time rather than the good ol' 90-120 mins film. Luckily for everyone, I recognise that Stargate remains either a)completely uninteresting to the average TV viewer or b) watched ad nauseum by the real fans, so I won't bother commenting on my attempts to get throught the 'backlog' of season 10. 'Scapers will understand the continuing interest.

Box-sets are evil things, and I must add, not helpful image-wise for singletons. Mad Men sits stylishly and patiently waiting for us to get to episode four (flatmates are useful things for stopping you gorging yourself in one sitting). The Wire was a faithful friend, but having to watch the final season on Sky+ carries the irritating ads and reminder (as you scroll through the menu) that there really are *other things to watch*. I've just been handed Arrested Development. Good gods, and this is addition to the joys of the new Autumn/Winter season.

It all rather begs the questions:
1) What on earth is anyone going to get me for Christmas with this abundunce of goodies already to hand?
2) How much blame for my TV addition can be put onto people who keep cancelling proper, sociable, public-place plans on me? (she says in jest. Sort of.) Some are born geek, some achieve geekness, and some have geekness thrust upon them.

Must. get. life. pronto.

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