Wednesday, October 8

Dash to the midlands

A few months ago I was up visiting the family in Wolves and again seeing how life for the parents seemed to be mostly all work and no play (apart from the odd Friday night at the gastro-pub). When ma talks about coming down to London it's usually with a desire to take in a show. So, I start browsing ticketmaster for any upcoming concerts in the midlands area she might like. Hey presto, James Blunt at the NIA.

I'm not the hugest fan, I don't have a single, well, single, in my posession, but I'm very happy to hum along on the radio. Mum's very exciting, and gosh, Dad is up for coming too. Brother would have taken it as an insult. However some problems cropped up: firstly it was quite pricey. Second, it was mid-week, and third we finally realised that parents were only back from holiday that day. But hoorah it all worked out in the end, we all scooted back to Wolves from various directions and then on to Birmingham (scowling and swearing at the Satnav woman all the way). The NIA was pretty huge, and all you can think about for the first few minutes is watching Gladiators as a child (I have no comment on the Sky revival). Last big venue I went to was Kaiser Chiefs at Earl's Court which was good fun, but definitely reminded me that I prefer cosier venues. Sure enough, the support Teddy Thomas was so-so musically, and trying to be chatty, but was pretty drowned out by the surroundings (not to forget that even the main floor is seated which doesn't lend itself to a buzzing atmosphere).

The main act was all good fun though. Lots of variety in the songs, lots of cheeky comments in response to the enthusiastic audience response (including a surprising amount of oggling 18 year olds). Parents loved the 'stage show' i.e. lights, lasers, screens et al. Some of it seemed a bit old-school to me, and a bit unco-ordinated at times (lasers, and lights, *and* video screen *and* glitter , why not?) but it wasn't overly-destracting from the music. Nor integral to it's enjoyment (i.e. not a Kylie show).

Generally though it was a good night out and ma enjoyed it, which was the main point.

It was just very strange to shoot up to the midlands and back within 48 hours. Perhaps proof that I should get off my arse occassionally and make far more flying visits to people. I therefore issue an open invitation to any friends I've not seen for a while: if you have a sofa, I am happy to come and spend a night on it :D.

Meanwhile, we've moved offices at work into a cosy, envy-inducingly huge (wtf, I'm keeping that phrase in) room where - *gasp* - I can actually look up and out of a window. Not since my move from Deneke 30 (here be the car park, if you stand up and tilt your head *just* so) to Toynbee (roses! *ROSES*) have I been so overjoyed at a change of prospect, darling.

Being back in London though I also got overcharged for coffee. Grr. Nevermind.

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